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What is Fertility Coaching?


Do you want a baby more than anything else in the world? 

Everywhere you look, you see children, babies, and pregnant women. 

It seems as if everyone can conceive a baby and carry it to term. 

Why can’t you?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 10% of women, and 1 in 8 couples, in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant. In developing countries, that number jumps to 25% of couples who have difficulty getting pregnant. (WHO, 2004) 


Infertility is more common than you think, but no one seems to talk about it. You and your partner may feel alone in this and be emotionally struggling. Everyone you tell about your difficulties seems to say, “relax, and it’ll happen.” How can you relax when every night you feel the despair associated with the loss and emptiness inside that you think only a baby can fill?” This is when you need a fertility coach. 


A fertility coach is a person who can help support you through this journey to parenthood. They can walk a couple through natural conception to assisted reproductive technology like IVF and even adoption or surrogacy.


Fertility coaching uses mind-body approaches to process emotions, release mental blocks, nourish the body and relax the mind. These methods lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which makes pregnancy more likely to occur naturally. (Click here to learn how cortisol and stress can block fertility.

“Studies have demonstrated that women with infertility who learn a variety of skills designed to lower stress, improve lifestyle habits, and decrease isolation experience significantly higher pregnancy rates than women who do not learn such skills.”

– Dr. Alice Domar, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical School 

Who is Fertility Coaching For?

Fertility Coaching is for any woman or couple trying to have a baby for a year, which is when doctors may diagnose them with "infertility." 
Fertility Coaching can help women manage the hardship that occurs with multiple miscarriages.  Together we can process the loss so the Mom can make peace with the passing to be ready to move on and try again.  
Fertility Coaching can help women with a medical condition that creates difficulties with conception, such as endometriosis, PCOS, etc.


Fertility Coaching can help couples with "unexplained infertility" when there are no medical reasons for conception and gestation difficulties, which is approximately 40% of the "infertile" population.
Fertility Coaching can help a woman having emotional struggles due to difficulty conceiving a child and carrying it to term and is discouraged about her prospects of success. A study by Yale University found that when a woman worked with a therapist on issues related to their infertility, they had a 60% conception success rate compared to 11% in the control group, which is almost 50% greater likelihood of success.

Fertility Coaching is for same-sex couples who need to use medically assisted reproductive technology to grow their family.


Fertility Coaching is for women who want to approach their fertility with natural methodologies rather than medical interventions. Also, it can help process fear that may come up with thoughts about seeking medical recommendations.  
Fertility Coaching is for women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology who need support with the physical and emotional rigor required for such endeavors. It is especially beneficial during the transfer phase when the fertilized embryo enters the uterus and hopefully implants into the uterine lining. A study by Soroka University Medical Center found the number of women who participated in hypnosis sessions before undergoing in-vitro procedures was TWICE as likely to become pregnant compared to the control group. (Click here to see the study abstract). 
Fertility Coaching is also for couples who will not try Assisted Reproductive Technology for financial, moral, cultural, or religious reasons. 
Fertility Coaching is for women who have already tried Assisted Reproductive Technology and were unsuccessful. IVF has about a 25% likelihood of success compared to approximately 50% success with Mind-Body work. As of 2022, I have had a 60% success rate.  
Fertility Coaching is for people who have chosen to adopt or to try the use of donor eggs or surrogates to create their family.  


Fertility Coaching is for women who want to reduce their stress around the process of conception and be in control of their fertility journey rather than dependent on doctors to determine the fate of their family.
If a woman is over 35 and concerned about a "ticking Biological clock" and has the financial resources to seek Medically supported Assisted Reproductive Technology, I would encourage her to go that route in conjunction with Fertility Coaching to double the chances of becoming pregnant. (Please click here to see the study proving the increased efficacy of embryo implantation when done under hypnosis.)   

Why Use Fertility Coaching?

The rate of success for Fertility Coaching (Mind-Body Work) compared to other treatments for infertility speaks for itself:


* Information that is offered on this website is not intended to be taken as medical advice.


© 2021 by Whole Fertility, Creative Fertility & Laya Laboe 

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